Archive for August 12, 2006

I’ve had a startlingly revelation…Everyone working in Advising is incompetent.

Yesterday I went skipped out on work and went to Victoria with my mom. The whole point of the day was to go over and declare my major.The day started off well, I was a little late getting started but we made our ferry. Mom also got a little lost, disproving the theory that one cannot get lost on an island.

My appointment to declare was scheduled for one o’clock. So I showed up at 12:45 and waited 25 minutes for a counsellor to see me. She escorted me to a little office and confirmed that I was declaring in Anthropology. Then I signed one lonely little piece of paper and that was it. I’ve been declared an Anthropology major in the faculty of Social Sciences.

All good so far right? Then the PADRE report is pulled out so she can tell me what needs to be completed in my degree. Turns out that women who told me over the phone that I was set to graduate this year shouldn’t have told me that. In fact, she only looked at my anthro requirements, not my filler shit. Turns out I need 10 more units of filler to graduate. FUCK.

If I wanted I could push it and do six courses each semester, this would tank my average though which is really really bad. I could take five each semester and then two in the summer. This, she told me, would mean I would still graduate this year but in the Fall. Can you say missed the point much? Fall graduations suck.

There are however many many good things about this delay. It gives me more time to connect with my profs and thus get good grad school referrals. Also I think I might be able to complete that minor I wanted as well. It seems to fit nicely, but I’ll have to confer with their adviser first. (That minor would look really good to graduate schools). Another positive is that I’ll be able to hang out with good friends for even longer now.

I’m gonna take this delay as a positive and try to think only of the things that I can now accomplish with this extra time. Travel WILL happen for me, I’m gonna be an anthropologist, it’s impossible to be a good anthrogeek without travel. All of this can only make me look better towards grad schools.

P.S. My office closed to the public last Friday and now it’s just one more week before I’m done for the summer!

August 12, 2006 at 2:19 pm Leave a comment

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
-Douglas Adams


August 2006